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A supporter of SAFG
Community Staff
Posts : 14
Join date : 2022-03-17
Age : 24

Lincoln's Application Empty Lincoln's Application

2/4/2022, 21:10
Ingame name: Lincoln
Account name: Lincoln
Age: 20
Languages spoken: Dutch and English

Good and bad qualities:

My better qualities are : Ability to observe a situation and judge upon it without bias, Communication - I'd rather communicate and coordinate everything I do with my colleagues to prevent misunderstandings which eventually make us look unprofessional, Problem-solving - Ability to approach every problem with a cold head and simplify it.

My bad qualities are: I often have a hard time asking for help, mainly due to me being a perfectionist. Whenever I am given a task I put 110% effort into every detail of it and if I run into an issue I will most likely sit there for hours until I'm convinced I can't solve it on my own, which results in less productivity.

What can you offer to us? (mapping and scripting for example): My ability to entertain people with minimal resources, which in the current state of the server is necessary. But to be fairly honest I wouldn't need a panel for that since I am already actively doing it during SAF trainings and couple of events I have hosted. Other than that I can do basic scripts.
Why should we accept you?: Since the launch, I have contributed as much as I could and I still am. I believe I would be a good addition to the team based on the aforementioned skill set.

Venom, Wilson, sebas, submeon, xPeke, Lincoln, Fire and Pride like this post

Posts : 5
Join date : 2022-03-12

Lincoln's Application Empty Re: Lincoln's Application

8/4/2022, 21:39
On the behalf of the SAFG Team I want to congratulate you! ACCEPTED!

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